
Jack White, April March Releasing Kids Book

Jack White is the overbearing PTA mom of rock ‘n’ roll. He has to be involved in everything. Sure, White is quite gifted, he’s interesting at times, but ever since the White Stripes dissolved he can be so obnoxious in his glamorous pursuits. His latest endeavor is a children’s book titled We’re Going To Be Friends, based on his two-and-half-minute-long song by the same name that very few children, only their parents know. The book pretty much writes itself.

If you’re in the area, there will be pre-release book signings by White and illustrator Elinor Blake (aka songbird April March) in Los Angeles on November 4th and in New York on November 11th. The nationwide book release is planned for November 21st.

Your kid doesn’t know or care who Jack White is.