
Neko Case Gets Her Hell-On

Neko Case is blessed with one of the most sublime voices in modern times, and it’s been too danged long since we’ve been blessed with a new album from her. Sure, she did that thing with Laura Veirs and k.d. lang. And, you know, she was featured prominently on the last New Pornographers album, Whiteout Conditions. But it’s been nearly five years since The Worse Things Get, the Harder I Fight, the Harder I Fight, the More I Love You. So we’re tickled to report that Anti- Records is breaking that fast on June 1st with the release of Hell-On.

“There were a few challenges during the making of this record,” she notes, “from small (scheduling difficulties, and occasional miscommunication) to large (my house burning down while I was overseas.) But none of them are the story of this recording, the songs are the story. They are my best self. They are everything I’ve worked for since I was a kid, whether I knew it or not.”

Additional players and singers on the 12 tracks include Veirs, lang, Mark Lanegan, Kelly Hogan, AC Newman, Eric Bachmann, Doug Gillard, Joey Burns and Beth Ditto. “The songs are who I believe myself to be and that will change,” Case continues, “but for now that’s how it is and I’m very satisfied with that.”