
Buildings – Melt Cry Sleep

Through a slew of bassists, Brian Lake (singer/guitarist) and Travis Kuhlman (drums) have been at it for six years, tackling the incontinent surge in memoriam to bands like Bored!, Big Chief and Bitch Magnet with a distended thud of songs titled “Strange Sleep” and “Wrong Cock.” The echoic din of this Minneapolis trio ups the Allerest fogbank on their second record.

The Twin City edge of methane muck-rummage bleeds full-force on “Misshaped Head,” a malignancy accosted by an indistinct vocal rant akin to storm-porn alerts. As a calloused reminder of their first record, there’s the bar-hoarse black-lung expectorant of high-energy remission found in the shell-shocked density of “Braille Animal,” coming full circle in pained desperation accompanied by allocated wads of bass clumps. Counter-weights rattle to-and-fro from a glutinous guitar that I half expected to hear as an arsenal of amplified tar-seepage.

In this age of hyper-smooth toothpaste talent, a depth charge has been planted as the rock axis shifts with virulent, onanistic though multi-functional relief, not unlike pissing down a floor drain. Slammed with baseball bats.

Melt Cry Sleep