
3 From Hell

Trash fiends are invited to the Sid Haig Memorial Service on Oct. 14 at your local multiplex – also known as the final theatrical 3 From Hell screening after a three-night run in September. The added date was announced just a day before Sid’s tragic death on Sept. 21. The cultish B-film star had found a decent amount of fame as killer clown Captain Spaulding in Rob Zombie’s House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects. Sadly, it’s not really a spoiler that Spaulding is killed off during 3 From Hell’s opening moments. Most fans figured that was inevitable after seeing how Sid was looking in the trailer. It was equally obvious that a new psycho had been added to the cast. Anyway, everyone will cheer Sid and then enjoy a fairly decent nihilistic wallow at the movies. It’s mostly disappointing that the end of the trilogy doesn’t bring back Corpses’ Dr. Satan to explain how Spaulding, Baby and Otis survived being shot to pieces at the end of The Devil’s Rejects. Instead, Zombie skips the first film’s supernatural aspects and throws us back on the road with two escaped murderers and Otis’ half-brother Foxy (played by Richard Brake, who stole the show in Zombie’s 31 as a different kind of killer). It’s still always fun to see Sheri Moon Zombie and Bill Moseley getting let loose on the big screen – or you can wait until the next day for the home video release, but you’ll be mourning Sid alone.
