
The Kitchen

As a big fan of DC Comic’s Vertigo imprint and especially the short eight-part comic book series The Kitchen, I was extremely excited to see a live-action theatrical release of the story. While movie makes sense as a standalone entity (it’s not great, but it’s not that bad), if you had read the original comics you’d be a little miffed to disappointed with the film’s follow through. Andrea Berloff (writer of World Trade Center and Straight Outta Compton) makes her directorial debut and boy does she create a sloppy mess that totally takes a dump all over the source material. Maybe it’s not all Berloff’s fault, maybe it’s the heavy-handed stereotypical Hollywood-type producers, the kinds of execs that feel the need to change and add to everything? Who knows? Elizabeth Moss is cast perfectly as Claire, but the casting of Melissa McCarthy and Tiffany “I refuse to work in Georgia even though I do” Haddish, well, that goes against the source material completely. There wasn’t a black girl or a fat girl in the comics. And I’m not saying that having a fat girl or a black girl is bad (no, no no!)(that’s totally great!) It’s just that in order to be politically correct and perhaps more marketable (in their minds), they chose to change the appearances of two out of three characters from the comic book completely! The comic was already woke – it dealt with female empowerment. The filmmakers didn’t have to make it “woker.” The Kitchen movie suffers from too many cooks in the kitchen. Pick up the graphic novel instead, it’s better.
