
Despicable Me 3

A franchise centered around Minions, the most loveable millennial animated characters this side of the Penguins of Madagascar, finds former villain Gru (Steve Carell), teaming with a twin brother(“Dru”) he did not know he had, after he and the wife (Kristen Wiig) get fired as secret agents. The Minions get arrested and spend much of their sub-plot escaping, while Gru’s orphaned girls seek out a mythical unicorn as the rest of the family thwarts a new bad guy, Balthazar Bratt, a former TV child star who turns to crime when his show gets axed in the ’80s. Extra points to directors Pierre Coffin, Kyle Balda and Eric Guillon for being astute enough to include references to The Blob, The Seven Year Itch and Carol Reed’s A Kid For Two Farthings.
